The Stranger 09.06.2016


The 11 Best Films to See During SIFF's Closing Weekend

Our Critics' Picks for June 10-12


Red Gringo

Face the Music

Equipped with excellent bone structure and a serviceable voice, Dean Reed was an aspiring American romantic balladeer whose career was stagnating in the late '50s and early '60s. But once the slick crooner moved to Chile, he scored many hits, coming off like a cross between Neil Diamond and radical-lefty folkie Phil Ochs. Red Gringo recounts Reed's transformation from teen idol to political activist, crosscutting among a jumbled mélange of concert footage, newsreel clips, and interviews. Reed found purpose for his life and art fighting for social progress for the proletariat, but died in East Berlin in 1986 under mysterious circumstances. (DAVE SEGAL)


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Letzte Änderung: 2016-06-10