LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, Issue 204, Vol. 42 No. 5, September 2015


You Never Know What You Are Filming (film review)

Marker '72

Miguel Ángel Vidaurre Marker #72: Cartography of a Faceless Filmmaker. Chile, 2012.


Marker '72 features an impressive array of archival footage, including excerpts from Allende's final speeches. A particularly memorable archival sequence features two foreigners who went to Chile in sympathy with Allende's movement. Dean Reed, a North American musician known as "El Elvis Rojo" (Red Elvis), is shown performing to large crowds, followed by television footage of an interview in which he says, "It was here in South America, in Chile, that I first saw the enormous injustices that exist. A tiny minority of people possesses all the privileges, hold all the wealth in their hands, while the vast majority live in misery under a dictatorship." He is also shown speaking out against North American massacres in Vietnam and symbolically washing blood off of the U.S. flag in a Chilean plaza.

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